Chapter 169: Substitute
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 169: Substitute

“Student, are you looking for this?” Gao Ming held up the Student ID. He shared a look with that normal student. The picture on the ID clarified. Memory dropped on the window and dribbled into the heart.

“What?” The student’s reaction was sluggish, like he had just woken up. After some time, he extended his hand, “Thank you.”

The student ID contained the memory fragments scattered all over the school. Gao Ming didn’t want to give it away. If possible, he wanted to swallow the ID and lock all the memories in his heart.

“What’s your name?” Gao Ming pulled the ID back. “I want to know if this is your ID.”

“My name is Gao Yun.” The student answered readily.

“Gao Yun?” Gao Ming tightened his fingers around the ID. He felt his blood boiling and his heart racing. He didn’t know why.

“Yes. It means high cloud.” The student explained it. “The family who adopted me wished that I could be free like the clouds and forever unburdened. They hoped I’d live like clouds in the sky and turn into rain after I die.”

“Your adopted parents? Did they give you your name?”

“Technically, it was my adoptive father.” Gao Yun recalled. “My father is a strange man. He has never smiled. He always has a chain curled around his body like he is a sinner. He has no friends or family. He said he had died many times. He told me that he adopted me so that I could be the next him.”

Gao Yun’s statement contained a lot of info. It made Gao Ming think.

“Don’t overthink it. My adoptive father has mental issues. Because of him, I’m not liked by the other students.” When he took the student ID from Gao Ming, Gao Yun was confused. “This looks like my ID. But why did it become like this? Did you find it inside the washer?”

Gao Ming didn’t answer and studied Gao Yun silently. The man was about 1.7 metres tall. He wore the school uniform and didn’t look fashionable. His smile was honest. He was so normal that he didn’t look like the antagonist.

“Gao Yun, I want to ask you…” Before Gao Ming could finish, Gao Yun put the student ID before his chest and waved at Gao Ming, “Are

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