Chapter 170: Memory
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 170: Memory

Gao Yun’s voice seemed to carry some special power. His every word stabbed into Gao Ming’s heart like daggers.

“Did I promise to come back to take over from you?”
Death memories collided in the torture room. Gao Ming’s endless deaths and returns to the bus seemed to be connected to a promise he hadn’t fulfilled. Gao Ming swayed as his head pounded. The whirlpool of fate was sucking him in.

“That night ten years ago at the spot where the two worlds overlapped, you needed a living person who existed in the intersection of everyone’s fate to stand in the living world and guide you out of the world of death.” Gao Yun’s eyes no longer shone. His eyes turned murky. “I treated all of you as friends, but I didn’t expect all of you to have turned into monsters in the world of death. I believed you and personally released a bus of polluted devils back into the human world.”

Gao Yun’s every sentence contained a lot of info. Gao Ming’s mind spun quickly. The world of death Gao Yun mentioned should be the shadow world discovered by the investigation centre. The world shrouded by shadow used various ways to corrupt reality. Every student in Class 13 seemed to be a seed planted by the shadow world in the real world.

“Gao Yun, I’ve forgotten many times. However, if I promised to take over from you, I’ll definitely find you after I finish my work!” Gao Ming had already confirmed that Gao Yun was the 51st student in Class 13. However, he still had no impression of Gao Yun. The kid appeared to be forgotten by everyone.

“Find me?” Gao Yun’s eyes numbed. The school uniform he wore started to fade in colour. Then, his body turned blurry as well. “You’ll only come to find me when you need me… like now.” In the corridor, the investigators checked the rooms one after another, but Gao Yun didn’t show any signs of hiding.

“Every student in Class 13 sent you a message. Some hoped you would come, but there were others who warned you to stay away. I don’t mean anything by that. I just want to tell you that humans are complicated, and you c

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