Chapter 166: The Last Class
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 166: The Last Class

“Do you want one?” Ding Yuan pulled out a cigarette from the hidden pocket of his uniform.

“I’ve stopped smoking.” Gao Ming shook his head. He and the other investigators from Huan Men Centre followed behind Ding Yuan. They couldn’t find Yan Xizhi. Various clues showed that someone had gone after the headmistress when the school rules were affected.

“Headmistress Yan was Han De Academy’s last pillar. Her disappearance will cause the order to collapse. The school will restructure itself.” Ding Yuan placed his hands on the window. “If the school rules haven’t recovered by tonight, Situ An will make his move then.”

“You sure have confidence in Situ An.” Gao Ming also planned to do something that night.

“It’s not that I have confidence in Situ An, but I have confidence in the centre he represents.” Ding Yuan looked at the smoke rings. “Don’t underestimate the centre. We have been losing to the invasion of the shadow world, but the biggest reason is that the centre will only be there when the ghosts are there. The more threatening the ghost, the more power the centre will have.”

“Do you think the centre can handle a Level 4 Anomaly?” Gao Ming had died many times. Most of the time, he was killed by ghosts, but there was a small part where he was betrayed by the centre.

“In the short term, the school rules have the advantages, but in the long term, the school rules have no chance of winning.” Ding Yuan lit up the cigarette with a sigh and rolled a new one. “The investigators are the most common members of the centre. Other than us, there are two departments called Security and Research. Researchers wear a pure white band. Every research has the same power as a centre chief. They are extremely rare, and their identities are highly confidential. I hear they have a self-destruct device implanted in them. Once they are captured by ghosts, they will commit suicide so that the ghost research result in their brain will disappear forever.

“Investigators and researchers technically are not the violent unit. The real power t

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