Chapter 165: Pay Attention to this Student
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 165: Pay Attention to this Student

With Gao Ming’s hard work, he not only added difficulty to the map but also stress-tested Situ An and the school rules. A real game designer would test everyone equally.

“Gao Ming, why aren’t you saying anything? Is something bothering you?” Zhang Ding waved his hand before his eyes. “I’m trying my best to control the flood. I can keep it stable until nighttime, not more than that.”

“That should be enough…”

Gao Ming looked behind Zhang Ding. With the student council’s help, more neighbours regained their rationality. They became Zhang Ding’s power. Zhang Ding managed to hold on for so long because of them.

“The student council is cleansing the flood. The water ghosts are helping me take back the supermarket. Everyone is doing good.” Zhang Ding did his best in everything. “By the way, the little girl has agreed to join us too.”

“The big ghost in the pool?” This was good news for Gao Ming. The mud and sand rolled to the side. The dying gym teacher had been forced to submit to life. He put on the supermarket employee uniform. Not far away from him was the girl in the red uniform who was growling.

The girl had fish fins and scales. She was bound by tiny knots. In the past, she was the owner of the swimming pool, but suppressed by the flood, she lost her power.

“When the student council first came, they didn’t know about us. They thought the flood was the girl’s doing. They kept cursing her at the poolside, causing her to weaken. Eventually, my neighbours and I managed to bring her back into the supermarket.” Compared to the mad girl student, the ghosts at Zhang Ding’s supermarket were more cunning. “The gym teacher, Zhong Long, is a nice guy. He volunteered to help at the supermarket to fight the flood with us. No one forced him.”

With the student council’s help, the two big ghosts that ignored the rules were tricked by Zhang Ding to join the supermarket.
“It’s their good luck to be able to follow Boss Zhang,” Gao Ming didn’t expect Zhang Ding to be so capable.

“I’m only treating them with sincerity.” Zhang Ding liked to chat wi

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