Chapter 164: The Scariest Difficulty
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 164: The Scariest Difficulty

Gao Ming was very familiar with Fear Illness. He knew that at the last stage, the illness would manifest the collective fear. However, he didn’t expect Ji Jie’s fear manifestation to be the God of Flesh and Blood. Different from the God of Flesh and Blood in Gao Ming’s heart, Ji Jie had added changes to it. The giant tree of flesh stunned even Gao Ming.

“Is this how the God of Flesh and Blood will evolve into in the end? A tree?”

Gao Ming couldn’t tell for sure, but he could sense the clanging of the chains in the torture room. The real God of Flesh and Blood was really excited.

“Run! Why are you still standing there?” Xi San was a good man. He had already escaped, but he came back to shove Gao Ming into motion, “Quick!”

Gao Ming was knocked over. He fell beside a chair and looked up.

Eight giant fleshy branches spread on the roof of the hall. Small capillaries grew rapidly. The branches exploded into a tree crown. Each leave was made of the student’s fear.

Faces moved on the bark. Xia Yang’s paintings came alive. The human faces in his paintings had all four mouths. They cackled as they chased after the other students in the hall. The screams pierced the eardrums. This was a tragedy. The hall was like hell.

Overcoming Fear Illness was very simple. As long as one had no fear, the manifestation wouldn’t hurt oneself. The key problem was even Gao Ming was affected by that situation. Once fear infected more than enough people, rationality would be abandoned. Students trampled over each other as they tried to escape. No one would have time to figure out how the monster came to be. They just wanted to escape. The more they tried to run, the more frightened they would be. The more frightened they were, the more realistic the monster became.

The hall could only take 300 students, but students filed in with no regard for the capacity. The corridors were filled with people. In a rough estimate, there were 400 students in the hall. And every one of them was there because they were under too much mental pressure and w

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