Chapter 163: Am I the Fake One?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 163: Am I the Fake One?

The two rules represented by the student council and the investigation centre collided in the health classroom. Class 13 was stuck in the middle. They had become a force that couldn’t be ignored. At this moment, the side that Class 13 sided with would have the advantage.

“We should follow the school rules and attend the next class.” Liu Yi picked up Ji Jie. She and a few others expressed their stance.

Since there was a leader, the rest followed. The student council was not perfect, but they were better than the investigation centre. Plus, what they wanted was to leave the health classroom as soon as possible.

The teachers with the IDs wanted to stop them, but Class 13 started to resist. After all, they had the student council to fight for them.

“I’m warning you! Don’t provoke my Brother Ji!” Xi San growled as he hid behind Ji Jie. But honestly, Ji Jie did look scary. The skin on his chest rose, and his skin reddened. Her face grimaced from pain. The investigators wanted to get Doctor Lu’s opinion, but the latter’s attention was attracted by Ji Jie and Liu Yi. He had Huang Kong check the effects of the 51st student. After ensuring that nothing was lost, he grabbed all the stuff and returned to the second floor of the infirmary. He didn’t want to fight the student council head-on yet, so he allowed the students of Class 13 to leave.

“My friends!” Just like how he acted when he exited the art classroom, Xi San rushed towards the student council. Gao Ming stayed to help Zuo Bo. He planned to bring the other students with bandaged faces away, but after their bandages were taken off, their bodies would dissolve into meat piles. It was very scary.

“The infirmary is the place where students are treated as toys. These students are no longer humans, but they are toys. Their situation is worse than ours.” Zuo Bo stopped Gao Ming. “At least we’re lab rats, ones that have value.”

The students slowly exited the health classroom. They left Situ An a broken wall and the seed of fear.

After they left the office building, the students notic

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