Chapter 162: Doctor Lu
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 162: Doctor Lu

With footprints still on his uniform, after Ji Jie woke up, he quickly found his position at the front of the class. Seeing this, Doctor Lu glanced a few more times at Ji Jie but said nothing.

“I’m sorry to have disturbed you. I also didn’t think the wall in the middle of the two rooms would collapse.” The others didn’t even need to say anything, and Ji Jie had already admitted the guilt.

“Was it you who destroyed the window, mirror and door?” Doctor Lu thought he had missed something. He stared at Ji Jie for a while and still found nothing. “How did you do it?”

“Let my friends go, and I will tell you.” Ji Jie signalled for everyone to stay away from him. He seemed to be preparing to communicate with the ghost behind him.

Doctor Lu had been killed by Gao Ming. The thing hiding inside Doctor Lu’s shell might be Situ An’s consciousness. This cunning devil had seen many types of people. He easily saw into Ji Jie’s essence, a vain and not-so-clever coward.

So… how did someone like him become so brave?

Doctor Lu gazed at the other students of Class 13. Everyone had their own goals, and their attitude towards Ji Jie was different. However, they all listened to Ji Jie and took a step back. It showed their full trust in Ji Jie.

Doctor Lu’s gaze finally landed on Zuo Jun. He knew that Zuo Jun was his ally, but even then, Zuo Jun was retreating with fear in his eyes.

It was fine for the others, but if the chief of Queens Investigation Centre, Zuo Jun, felt fear from Ji Jie, something was wrong.

Doctor Lu took a step forward and stood before the other two doctors. He pointed at Ji Jie. “It’s normal for students to break the devices during class. The others can leave, but you have to stay.”

“No!” Wang Jie was the first to reject it.

Sensing the hesitation in others, Wang Jie shouted, “The wolf told the ram that once he voluntarily removed his horns, he would not attack him. But once the ram did that, he’d die a horrible death!” His words woken up the others. Du Bai added, “Ji Jie is the only chosen one. If we want t

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