Chapter 161: Situ An
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 161: Situ An

Gao Ming outside the mirror, stood behind Ji Jie. The dead Gao Ming inside the mirror stood behind Xia Yang.

“I know what I need to do. Do not cross the line.” Gao Ming slowly raised his hand to grip around Ji Jie’s neck as he looked at the mirror. The single-eyed Gao Ming in the mirror grabbed Xia Yang by his neck. His remaining eye was pierced by blood capillaries. His voice was chilling and scary.

“I’m already dead. The one making the decisions is you.” Ji Jie in the mirror slowly overlapped Xia Yang’s expression. “It is your inner thoughts that want to kill everyone. I merely manifest it for you. Don’t you get it? I am following your intentions. I’m not guiding you, but you are compelling me.”

The mirror reflected three different souls. They were Ji Jie, Xia Yang and Gao Ming.

“Stop it now.” Gao Ming tightened his grip. Ji Jie’s neck started to crack.

Xia Yang, in the mirror, still maintained a warm smile, and his hands danced. This madman was creating death portraits for every student in Class 13!

“Why won’t you live the way your heart wants to? Why would you repress yourself? You have been hiding your real self.” Xia Yang didn’t stop. He drew the unique soul of each student. He sketched the consciousness of everyone in the classroom, including those who had been taken over by ghosts.

This crazy method triggered anxiousness in Situ An’s rules. This was the office building. The only place Situ An could fully control. The door of the health classroom was still locked. The walls started to crack like something scary was swimming inside the wall.

Screams came from the adjacent infirmary. The wall separating the health classroom and the infirmary popped with veins like human skin. The veins pumped rhythmically like the human heart.

“Someone who can see the future but refuses to claim the future. What secrets are you hiding in your heart?” After Xia Yang finished painting everyone else, his eyes landed on Gao Ming, “Your soul is a picture of death, but this mirror can only show a part of you. Let me witness

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