Chapter 160: Gao Ming in the Mirror
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 160: Gao Ming in the Mirror

The walls of the health classroom peeled. Everyone looked at the mirror with respect and fear. The rushing malice weaved around the western suit. Ji Jie in the mirror yanked off his tie. His eyes shone with arrogance like he was a New God. Bathed in the admiration of many, Ji Jie bit on his slender fingers that normally held pens. Red paint slid down his wrist.

“What is he doing?”

“Is he going to paint on the mirror?”

“Why is his reflection so much more handsome than him?”

Ji Jie didn’t need a paintbrush. His reflection reached towards the mirror. Blood lines appeared on the mirror. He was not painting, but the paintings fought to be painted by him. The blood lines arranged themselves into captivating drawings. First, there was the drawing of Ji Jie, and then there was the drawing of the health teacher behind Ji Jie. When the portrait of the health teacher was completed, the health teacher emitted the horrible smell of decay. Her limbs looked like they were about to fall off.

The man in the mirror put his fingers down. The blood lines became more complicated. Shadows overlapped the health teacher’s drawing to sketch out the souls that formed the health teacher’s consciousness. With each shadow Ji Jie painted, the stronger the stench that came from the health try. In the mirror, Ji Jie became more excited, like he had found a new toy. The ten fingers danced about. His eyes flowed with blood as he bit on the beautiful toy.

The health teacher released her hands in disbelief. She rapidly retreated. Her black hair was falling, and her body underneath her clothes was loosening. Her fair skin cracked, and her body was disintegrating.

The students of Class 13 observed everything. They thought they’d die in this class, but somehow, the health teacher appeared to be the first in line to die.

“Is Ji Jie’s reflection the ghost on his back?”

The mirror’s surface was decorated with more bloody drawings. The simple mirror world became a dark alleyway. Both sides of the passage were hung with portraits of the dead. The ma

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