Chapter 159: Scary Teacher Yang
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 159: Scary Teacher Yang

Ma Tao opened the lid of the robot cat thermos and blew on the wolfberries on the water's surface. He pursed his lips. As a ghost who had been working so hard for so long, he decided to do nothing after he joined Class 13.

In the past, he would study hard to find a scapegoat. In the morning, he studied the school rules at the math building and at night, he wandered the hostels to look for prey. He worked so hard every day just to abandon his ghost identity and be a human.

He didn’t dare to let his guard down for even a moment, but what was the result? His ghost roommates were reaped by the rules, and their souls dispersed. He forced his way into Class 13 but realised this was just another version of the school. There was no sense of bliss or belonging. He turned around in panic. His reflection in the mirror became an unfamiliar person. His youth had already turned into dust.

Seeing his classmates’ beautiful variations of madness, Ma Tao felt ashamed. His reflection in the mirror showed how he was when he was still alive. However, his body was crumbling. He couldn’t recognise or remember himself.

Ma Tao nudged to the last door. Different from the students in Class 13, the door didn’t react to him. The silence was like a mockery. The door that was always ready to open for others was firmly shut for him. It didn’t even wiggle slightly. He turned around with embarrassment. The health teacher’s vicious gaze was focused on Yuan Hui. She didn’t even look at Ma Tao.

“Teacher, I’m done with my test.” Ma Tao, who lined up behind Yuan Hui, whispered. The health teacher only nodded in response. The gentle and beautiful teacher handed the test results to Ma Tao. Seeing the normal report result, Ma Tao lamented the absurdity of the world. The fact that he got ‘perfectly healthy’ on all the criteria was crazy. He didn’t need to put on any disguise. The humans around him were more like ghosts than he was.

“Stop grumbling!” Wang Jie shoved Ma Tao away, “Don’t block the path. If you’re done, move!”

Ma Tao looked at Wang Jie w

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