Chapter 158: We're All Dead
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 158: We're All Dead

To prevent any accident from happening to Ji Jie, Gao Ming very kindly handed in his form after Ji Jie. With a professional psychiatrist looking after him, Ji Jie felt better. While his eyes shone with appreciation, he didn’t forget to warn Gao Ming to stay away from him so that he wouldn’t get scared.

The others from Bedroom 1314 came over when they saw Gao Ming hand in his form. They gathered around Gao Ming and lined up for the physical exams. The students had surrendered since they realised they couldn’t leave until all of them had finished the examinations.

Everyone lined up for the physical checks. Soon, the first few students who did the health checks first already started the psychological exam. They followed the teacher’s instructions and stood before the window, mirror and door. Each of them saw different things.

Some of them saw a busy city with loud traffic outside the windows; Some of them saw a barren wasteland like a reflection of their hearts; Some of them saw their dead friends and families outside the window. They yelled at the students to stay inside the health classroom.

However, there was one similarity. When all the students turned to the final door, they all said there was someone standing outside the door.

All the students who finished the psychological exams appeared like their energy had been drained. When the health teacher let go, they all slumped to the ground. It seemed like a part of their souls had been sucked away. The health teacher would gently pick the students up. The smile on her face remained warm and sunny, but soon, the smile would freeze on her face.

“Don’t touch me with your dirty hands!” Zuo Bo, who wore both a doctor’s coat and a patient’s garb, walked to the window. His voice was filled with disdain and disgust.

“This student, if you have some issues with my cleanliness, I have some alcohol sprays…” Before the female teacher could finish, Zuo Bo dropped his bloody bag between him and the teacher. “Every inch of your body reeks of malice. I know what you want to d

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