Chapter 157: You're Very Kind
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 157: You're Very Kind

Everyone believed there was something wrong with the health class. No one dared to volunteer, so they volunteered this chance to Gao Ming.

“You all sure have confidence in me.” Gao Ming felt like he was mentally healthy, but Xia Yang’s consciousness was hidden in his mind. The crazy artist was not just mentally unstable, but even his soul was mangled and twisted.

Sensing Gao Ming's difficulty, Zhou Sisi pursed her lips in the crowd. In the class, only she knew Gao Ming’s ‘secret’. The innocent-looking Gao Ming might be the hidden music box killer. He could even laugh during You Liang’s experiment. How could someone like him be mentally healthy?

“If Gao Ming is exposed during this class, he might be sent to the infirmary. The other students will ostracise him and might even vote him out next time.” Zhou Sisi struggled internally. Seeing Gao Ming’s hesitation, she eventually walked out before Gao Ming said anything. “I’ll be the volunteer.” Zhou Sisi said as she walked to the health teacher. “I just had a health check before coming here. I should be fine.” While everyone else was trying their best to throw other people under the best, Zhou Sisi volunteered to take Gao Ming’s stop.

Just as Zhou Sisi said that, Cai Meimei and two girls pulled her back. “Have you lost your mind? This is too dangerous. Your life is more important than your love!”

“This is not about love. But…” Zhou Sisi found it so hard to explain the situation. The ghost students in the class looked at this development with interest.

“Stop wasting time. Girl, please come to me.” The health teacher held Zhou Sisi’s hand. Her voice was melodious. She had Zhou Sisi sit on the various devices. She checked Zhou Sisi’s vitals and announced the results. Most of the devices in the health classroom came from the investigation centre. The physical rating was similar to the rating used by the investigators. The strange-looking devices were not as dangerous as they imagined. The health teacher expertly conducted all the tests on Zhou Sisi. Overall, Zhou Sisi had a good p

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