Chapter 156: Who Said Psychiatrist Must Have a Healthy Mind?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 156: Who Said Psychiatrist Must Have a Healthy Mind?

Two investigators disappeared before his eyes. Ji Jie saw the ghost behind him make a move. Fear intensified. If Fear Illness was categorised into levels of severity, Ji Jie was at the worst stage. The students surrounded Ji Jie. They all tried to figure out what one would have to do to be ‘selected’.

The dream Ji Jie had before he came to the reunion became a reality. He became the focus of the reunion. The satisfied sense of pride formed a precarious balance with the fear in his heart.

“Gao Ming, how much do you believe Ji Jie?” Wang Jie put away his dagger as he pulled Gao Ming up from the ground. He had formed a habit of turning to Gao Ming whenever there was a problem.

“I can’t tell for sure.” Gao Ming lowered his head because he couldn’t bear to look at Ji Jie.

“You were very close to him earlier. Can you tell what kind of ghost it is?” Wang Jie lowered his voice. “When the class started, I didn’t think Ji Jie was so special. But the longer I look at him now, the scarier I become. It’s discomfiting.”

“I feel the same way. My heart is racing.” Gao Ming knew Fear Illness was spreading. It was too late to grab the doll back. He just hoped that nothing too ridiculous would appear. As more people fell victim to the illness, the more realistic the imagined fear would be. With the number of students at school, it was more than enough to materialise some special existences.

Many students surrounded Ji Jie. When Ji Fu saw this, his brows bunched together nervously.

He wanted to seek help from someone. He looked around and eventually settled beside Gao Ming, “Hi. I’m Ji Jie’s brother. I believe we saw you at Hostel Building 6 yesterday night.”

“Did you?” Gao Ming had no idea why Ji Fu came to him.

“We were chased by ghosts. Ji Jie entered the bedroom, but by then, he had already been swapped out by an evil ghost!” Ji Fu sneakily pointed at Ji Jie. “He’s acting as my little brother! We can’t let people get too close to him!”

The two brothers were the first to come into contact with Fear Illness. They were severely ill. Gao Ming w

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