Chapter 135: Paintings
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 135: Paintings

“Zuo Jun, can you find me some clothes as well?” Qian Junran followed Zuo Jun in his trunks. He looked so pitiful.

“Shut up!” Zuo Jun said darkly. He wore the uniform of the centre’s captain over his trunks. “Do you know that you almost caused my death?”

“How?” Qian Junran held his chest. “Isn’t the infirmary the place to save people? Is it that scary?”

“You might still know how you die if you go to other places. At the infirmary, you can’t even die if you want to! There’s a very special Big Ghost hidden there!” Zuo Jun said severely. He didn’t bring Qian Junran to the infirmary. He went to the office building controlled by Situ An and hid by the window on the third floor.

“What is a big ghost?”

“It’s something you don’t ever want to meet. This place has attracted many big ghosts. You better be obedient!” Zuo Jun glanced at Qian Junran coldly, “Don’t talk after we return! Don’t do anything you shouldn’t. Follow the investigation centre’s instructions!”

“Then, are we going back to the activity building now?” Qian Junran shivered from the cold due to his lack of clothing.

“We need to finish the swim class. Don’t have any conflicts with the PE Teacher. In the afternoon, our people will take over the classes.” Zuo Jun thought back to the time table. “There can’t be any accidents during the classes in the afternoon.”

“But…” Qian Junran saw the situation inside the activity building through the window.

“No but!” Zuo Jun wanted to kill Qian Junran. However, he was part of Class 13, and Class 13 was very special.

“But look!” Qian Junran pointed dumbly out the window. “The activity building appears to be flooded!”

“What?” Zuo Jun shoved Qian Junran out of the way. He cursed and ran towards the activity building. Qian Junran screamed and ran in his trunks.

Class 13 gathered outside the activity building. They saw the messages they sent. Some of them accidentally exposed their messages. Others hid their phones. The message became their biggest secret.

Back then, the people who messaged the 51st students to come b

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