Chapter 134: This is Out of My Expectations Too
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 134: This is Out of My Expectations Too

The clear pool soon turned into a swamp. Plastic bags, branches and livestock carried away by the flood floated in the water. The stench replaced the smell of disinfectant. The water ghosts that gained freedom violated the school rules freely. They could infiltrate any spot the flood could reach.

The neighbours of Min Long Street looked guilty. The situation was worse was the girl who died in the pool. She was already angry, and this snapped her remaining rationality.

Gao Ming surfaced to exchange air. He noticed that the water had flooded the first-floor of the activity building.

“Jesus!” He swore he didn’t do it on purpose. He brought the supermarket portrait underwater as a back-up. He didn’t communicate well with Zhang Ding. Zhang Ding came out on his own because he pitied the girl. To be honest, everyone at the supermarket was kind. Everyone probably came out to help her. Of course, the method was a bit rash.

“On the positive side, the school rules’ hold on the activity building disappeared. Now, no ghost can execute the rules here.

“On the negative side…” Gao Ming looked around. His classmates and the school swim team were swept away by the flood. Screams were everywhere.

The ropes snapped. The pool’s limitation on the students unravelled. Everyone grabbed the things closest to them and tried to survive.

“Save the people first!”

The death portrait Gao Ming held seemed to replay the day Li Sui Dam burst. The water ghosts were like a flood. It was impossible to tell how many there were. The tragedy lasted for half an hour before Zhang Ding managed to seal the flood back up. About ⅓ of the water ghosts had escaped.

Zhang Ding left the portrait again with difficulty. He looked at the almost-destroyed activity building and said guiltily, “I didn’t mean to do it. We just wanted to help.”

“You don’t need to apologise to me. The issue now is that the water ghosts from the flood have spread to the rest of the building. This whole area has been polluted.” The crack on the flood portrait lightened. Gao Ming qu

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