Chapter 133: Monsters in the Pool
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 133: Monsters in the Pool

The students who were not named sighed in relief. They looked at the five who were named. Standing beside the pool, Qian Junran looked troubled. His eyes radiated pain.

“Sir, I don’t feel too well.” Qian Junran turned his head and raised his hand. “I have stomach pain. I might not be able to enter the pool.”

“Are you sick?” The PE Teacher was reasonable, and he didn’t force Qian Junran. “The tall one, come here! You can bring him to the infirmary.”

The tall one was Zuo Jun. When he heard he was going to the infirmary, his face darkened. He wanted to say no, but he swallowed it once he saw the PE Teacher’s mutated muscles.

“Anyone else who is sick can go with them.” The PE Teacher’s smile was scary. “The infirmary has the complete set of equipment. The last student who went there came in with 170 Jin and came out with 70 Jin.”

Others wanted to act sick, but when they saw Zuo Jun’s dark face and the teacher’s description, they changed their minds.

“Sir, I suddenly feel better,” Qian Junran straightened his body. “I believe I can do this.”

“No. I have to be responsible for your health. Tall one, bring him there now!” The PE teacher grabbed Qian Junran and pushed him to Zuo Jun. His large body was like a small mountain.

“Okay.” Zuo Jun and Qian Junran left. The Teacher picked two more girls to replace their spots. Coincidentally, Zhou Sisi stood beside Gao Ming. Zhou Sisi was already scared, but she was arranged to stand beside the music box killer. She didn’t dare to greet Gao Ming. She kept her head lowered to hide the fear in her eyes.

“After so many years, Zhou Sisi has become shy.” Gao Ming glanced around and was the first to jump into the water. The pool was heated, but his body felt cold. It felt like there was something watching him in the water.

“Don’t waste time. Group 2, prepare to get into the pool!” The students spread around the edge. No one dared to stay too far away from the sides.

“Don’t be afraid of the water. Try to be o

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