Chapter 136: Xia Yang's Portrait
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 136: Xia Yang's Portrait

“A voice from the taboo zone? Is our teacher inside the taboo zone?” Class 13 had a new educational method. Their teacher gave them the homework from another room over. The art teacher didn’t mention any punishment for failing the homework, but everyone knew it wouldn’t be good.

The windows and doors of Room 2103 shut off. A clock hung above the blackboard. The number on the clock face was minuscule. The needles were crooked and moved in a strange manner.

“The doors aren’t locked, but they can’t be opened.” Xi San tried the doors. He held the pencil and paced around.

“That’s so annoying. Can you stop?” Du Bai wanted to splash the paint on Xi San.

“All five paintings look like a crazy person made them. How can we find the specific one?” Xi San ignored Du Bai and came to check on the others. In reality, most of the students were lost too. They didn’t dare to make guesses. In the past, they might fail if they guessed wrongly, but at this place, they might die.

“Gao Ming, which painting do you think was made by a crazy killer?” Liu Yi and Wang Jie were smart. They both came to Gao Ming.

There were two psychiatrists in class. Zuo Bo was mad. The other was Gao Ming. He was the class’ hope.

“All five paintings describe the same scenario of students sitting in class. For the first painting, the students are depicted using the simplest lines. The painter tried their best to reconstruct the original scene.

“For the second painting, the seconds were blackened by the painter. The brush strokes were so strong that they almost ruined the canvas. This is a sign of aggression. The painter should be someone aggressive. If he’s the killer, then it is a crime of passion. That doesn’t fit the definition of a crazed killer.

“The third painting is the most special. It is the only painting to use a lot of colours. The tables, chairs, blackboard and lights in the classroom were painted red. The students were drawn in black lines and then supplemented with red paint. This painting is visually impactful. Its presentation is more from the victim’s pe

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