Chapter 110: Back to School
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 110: Back to School

Sometimes, death could be extremely close. Death could be on the same bus with us. Gao Ming put away his phone and walked to the back after reading Liu Yi’s message. He walked past the bandaged man and sat beside Zuo Bo. Zhou Sisi looked behind her curiously. She had no idea why Gao Ming suddenly left.

“Long time no see.” Gao Ming stared at Zuo Ba silently. He saw the wounds on Zuo Bo’s fingers and neck. This was the evidence left behind by Zuo Bo’s mental illness. Zuo Bo mumbled something. Gao Ming had to lean close to hear clearly.

“Pavlov’s dog, Thorndike’s cat, Skinner’s guinea pig, Bandura’s doll, Kohler’s Mentality of Apes, Tolman’s mice maze…”

“Psychological experiments?” Gao Ming had memorised these things before. Zuo Bo was not a social person. He seemed to be trapped in a class. After some time, Zuo Bo suddenly stood up. He looked at everyone on the bus and scratched his face. “Is it recess? Why are we not in class?”

“Zuo Bo, you’ve graduated.” Gao Ming consoled Zuo Bo softly, “We’ve all graduated.”

“Then, why are we in the same place? Do you want to lure him back?” Zuo Bo turned around and bent down. His face was almost stuck to Gao Ming’s face. His eyes were bloodshot.

“Lure whom back?” Gao Ming was confused.

“It’s him!” Zuo Bo couldn’t explain it. He scratched many wounds on his face and then returned to his previous state. Zuo Bo seemed to know something. Gao Ming tried to remember their time in university. Zuo Bo’s mental breakdown was not without warning. He often talked to himself during classes, like he had an invisible friend.

The bus continued to move. The atmosphere within was not affected. The students sang, played games and drank. The passengers appeared to be lulled by them. They didn’t realise how much time had actually passed.

“We’re here.” The bus didn’t arrive at the holiday villa but at Han De Private School.

Before everyone could react, the driver with the black band drove the bus into the school. Then, he plugged out th

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