Chapter 111: Four Missing
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 111: Four Missing

“It’s quite official.” Du Bai glanced at the chat group. He didn’t take Zuo Jun’s message seriously, “I skipped classes during school. Now, he wants me to follow the rules after graduation?!”

“I miss attending classes.” Gao Ming found his bed. He checked it for snakes and talismans.

“That’s because you’re not a teacher. People say we have long holidays, but only teachers know how much work there is.” Du Bai was tall. He was Gao Ming’s roommate in high school.

“Do you really think we’re here for a holiday?” Xuan Hui closed the bedroom door and said darkly, “I advise you not to stay too long in the hostel. Follow Zuo Jun’s instructions closely.”

“I admit Zuo Jun is accomplished now, but why is he acting like this before his friends? I had bad feelings about him since back then.” Du Bai looked at Bed 6. Zuo Jun used to share their room. After Zuo Jun moved to another school, Bed 6 was left empty.

“If you don’t listen to him, people will die.” Xuan Hui warned. “I’m not kidding. My family died because of Zuo Jun. He forced me to come to Han Hai to trick you all with him!”

“Ah Hui, are you under a lot of pressure lately?” Du Bai wanted to console Xuan Hui but Xuan Hui smacked his hand away. “Stay away from me. Don’t get close to me. Who knows if you’re human or ghost?!”

Bang! Bang!

The bedroom door opened. Xi San and third-generation nouveau riche Wang Jie came in to shatter the awkwardness. “It’s not easy for Room 1314 to gather again!” Xi San followed Wang Jie obediently. This was completely different from high school. Back then, Xi San was a star basketball player. He was tall and handsome. He looked down on Wang Jie. He slandered the man’s name behind his back, saying that Wang Jie had no positive traits except having a rich father.

“You can stay here. I’m going to Zuo Jun.” Xuan Hui didn’t say anything else. He grabbed his phone and left.

Gao Ming sat on the bed and observed everyone. Room 1314 was quite famous back then. Everyone was very unique. Wan

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