Chapter 112: Canteen
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 112: Canteen

Gao Ming had taken away the God of Flesh and Blood. Based on Situ An’s personality, he would prepare something else to replace it.

“Gao Ming, have you eaten?” Liu Yi came to Gao Ming’s side with her tray and asked in a low voice. “Zuo Jun appears to plan to trap us here and turn them into those students.”

“Not necessarily. Our class has other uses…” Gao Ming just spoke when a few students came over with food and drinks.

“Liu Yi, how are you lately?” Qian Junran was the class’ English committee representative. He came from a rich family. He had just come back from overseas and planned to take over the family business.

“I’m fine.” Liu Yi wanted to hear Gao Ming’s analysis but was interrupted. She was annoyed, but she didn’t show it because they were all old friends.
“Back in school, we both wanted to be lawyers to protect the weak like heroes from the wuxia novels.” Qian Junran poured Liu Yi some drinks. “I envy you because you did the things you set out to do.”

“Lawyers are not as noble as you think. This profession has no halo.” Liu Yi frowned. She didn’t know why Qian Junran suddenly came to her.

“I came back this time to learn with my family. The company is going to restructure the law department. Do you have any interest in doing it with me? Our company focuses on charity. We will fork out tens of thousands to help the poor locals at Han Hai every year.” Qian Junran spoke with arrogance. The term poor locals offended Zhou Sisi and a few others.

“It’s fine.” Liu Yi sat down and took out her phone to act to send messages.
“I haven’t seen Gao Ming in a long time too.” Qian Junran stood up to shake Gao Ming’s hand in a gentlemanly manner. “I heard from Xi San that you had an early graduation from a medical school and are now a prison doctor. Does that mean you will interact with many dangerous criminals? Is the work tiring?”

“It was not too bad. I quit the job already.” Gao Ming didn’t even raise his head.

“Currently, the situation at Han Hai is quite complicated. You need connections to get into a good hospi

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