Chapter 113: First Class
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 113: First Class

“This is a reunion. As long as we’re happy, everything is fine. What are you people talking about?” Xi San’s face was red from the alcohol.

Wang Jie ignored Xi San. “All the calls are blocked. We shall try to see if we can leave this place.” Wang Jie had a strong intuition, but it was already too late.

They came to the school entrance. The rain poured. They walked for half an hour before returning to the same spot.

“No matter which direction we took, we would come back here.” Du Bai also noticed something was wrong. He sent Zuo Jun a few messages, but Zuo Jun replied with the same message--Have fun!

Seeing the same message, Du Bai felt strange and scared.

“We might be in an anomaly.” Wang Jie stood there with fear in his eyes. “You might not know certain things, but Han Hai is not peaceful lately.” To increase his survivability and gain more aid, Wang Jie told the rest about the anomalies. When he heard that a normal person only had 10 percent chance of survival, Xi San woke up from his drunkenness, “I’ll inform the other students.”

“No!” Wang Jie grabbed him. “Can you tell who is a ghost and who is human?”

“But we can’t leave them to die, right?”

“What an idiot.” Wang Jie scolded him directly. “First, I’m not sure if this is an anomaly because I’ve not experienced it myself. I only heard about it from my family elders. Second…” Wang Jie pushed Xi San into the wall. “Be quiet. Make noise, and we’ll attract the ghosts’ attention. Your actions might lure the ghosts to us! Our class has 50 fifty. Based on the probability, I hope we can be the last survivors.” People would die, but Wang Jie didn’t hope to be one of them. He shared the news because he wanted to use his roommates.

“Stop arguing. Our real enemy is probably Zuo Jun.” Gao Ming wanted to observe further, but he didn’t expect Wang Jie to know so much.

Wang Jie let go of Xi San and said darkly, “I knew something was wrong with Zuo Jun. That dude used so many dirty tricks to force me to attend th

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