Chapter 114: Graduation
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 114: Graduation

“Where has he been sent to?”

Du Bai, who sat beside Gao Ming, was so scared that he didn’t dare to move. If he were the one in Gao Ming’s shoes, he’d be sent out already. Du Bai wanted to use the toilet. His feet trampled the ground. Gao Ming didn’t reply. He just shot Du Bai a look to focus in class.

After the student was sent away, the atmosphere became more anxious. The students paid attention to their books and forced themselves to stay focused. Gao Ming thought back to what happened.

The student who sat in the last row and disturbed others seemed different from others. His uniform was old and not fitting. He seemed to wear a dead person’s uniform. Gao Ming was trying to piece together everything when he heard a scream coming from upstairs.

“Someone is jumping!”

Gao Ming glanced out the window from the corner of his eyes. A man about 60 fell down the building. It wore the school uniform, and its body was stuck close to the window. The face was almost stuck to the window. Its lips still had a smile.

Du Bai wanted to look, but Gao Ming grabbed his shoulders. “Don’t look.”

A few students were pulled away. They rushed to the window to look.

“Another jumper? How many is it today?”

“It was pushed!”

“If he was punished, why was it smiling?”

“Yes. I saw it smiling!” The students discussed. The class exploded. A girl who sat next to the window turned her body slightly since everyone was discussing the incident. She leaned to look down the window, but there was nothing on the ground. She didn’t see a corpse or blood.

“Where’s the body?”

The girl’s back chilled. She sensed something and slowly turned around. The students who came to the window stopped talking. They stared at the girl. They had scary expressions.

“You…” The girl was caught. The students’ fingers seemed to dig into her body. They worked together to throw the girl out the window.

“Someone’s jumping!”

After the students tossed the girl out, they screame

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