Chapter 109: The Bus
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 109: The Bus

“It was nothing. I just wanted to ask you if you remembered I had brought you food and gifted you many presents. When my mom made me snacks and cakes, I always shared them with you…” Zhou Sisi suspected Gao Ming was the music box killer, but at the same time, she felt like he wouldn’t do something like that. In her impression, even though Gao Ming was hard to approach, he was extremely responsible and had a sense of justice.

“You did help me a lot when we were in school.” Gao Ming was nice to Zhou Sisi. “When we get on the bus, you should sit next to me. Don’t wander too far away during the gathering.”

Zhou Sisi thought, ‘Why is this man making things hard for me? I shouldn’t have said anything. Now I’m stuck to the killer!’ But subconsciously, she still nodded. When Zhou Sisi wanted to take away her promise, Gao Ming had already walked away.

It was time. Other than a few students who would drive there, the others were all there. This was surprising to Zhou Sisi. After graduation, everyone separated and worked their own lives. Due to Song Xue’s call, ‘everyone’ hurried to Han Hai to attend this gathering in the storm. Everyone got on the bus. Zhou Sisi wanted to wait for Gao Ming to get on the bus first, but Gao Ming thought she was waiting for him, so he walked to her side.

“Let’s go.”


They sat in the seventh row. After they got on the bus, Gao Ming said nothing as he looked out the window. Zhuo Sisi was a chatterbox, but at that moment, she didn’t dare to say anything. She studied Gao Ming from the corner of her eyes. After removing the raincoat, Zhou Sisi realised Gao Ming was fitter than when he was in school. He was healthy and muscular.

Different from most people who liked to go to the gym, Gao Ming radiated a scary presence. He seemed to have experienced a lot. His eyes were filled with stories. He graduated from medical school and worked at a prison. He was the youngest psychiatrist and liked to make games as a hobby. He even won awards for his hobby.

Zhou Sisi slowly turned her face around.

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