Chapter 108: You'll Die
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 108: You'll Die

Fear consumed her mind. Zhou Sisi’s mind was blank. Her body froze. The man wore a high school uniform. His face was cut open by a knife. The blood still hadn’t coagulated on his wounds.

The man lay on Zhou Sisi. Part of his cold body even came out of the mattress. The gory face moved. The man’s pupils danced. His cracked lips slowly opened. The teeth fell, and a voice entered Zhou Sisi’s ears.

“...You are the 50th… 50th to die.”

Zhou Sisi was shaking. She had no idea what the man was saying. She tried to escape, but her body felt like it was pressed down by a giant boulder. She felt blood ooze out of her mattress. Her bed seemed to have become a giant mouth that wanted to swallow her.

“Who are you?” Zhou Sisi extended her neck to get away from the face. However, the face stuck to her nose and stared into her eyes. The mouth opened again. There appeared to be something moving in his mouth.

“You’ll die if you’re in the classroom alone; you’ll die if someone lies; you’ll all die because you deserve to die…” The dead body stuck to Zhou Sisi and pressed down on her before disappearing into the darkness. When she regained freedom, Zhou Sisi jumped down from the bed. She opened all the lights as fast as she could.

“It was not a dream!”

Zhou Sisi couldn’t see the man’s face, but she felt that it was familiar. She had seen it before, but she couldn’t remember where.

“Is he my deskmate? Impossible! In my memory, no one from high school died, and no one looked like that!”

Zhou Sisi’s hair stood on end. She held her phone and stood in the living room. Everything felt like it had been tainted by death. Zhou Sisi didn’t dare to close her eyes. She took out her phone and called the police. The police came half an hour later. Zhou Sisi told them everything and was rewarded with confused looks. The police checked the surveillance and Zhou Sisi’s room. They found nothing. They comforted Zhou Sisi and left.

Zhou Sisi’s fear didn’t lower due to the police’s arrival. Zhou Sisi called her parents and friends. Everyone told he

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