Chapter 107: 51 Students
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 107: 51 Students

After seeing the neighbours again, Le Jia and Le Ren’s childhood trauma disappeared. Invisible black material slowly disintegrated. Gao Ming picked up the death portrait. The neighbours waved at the two kids as the sound of water faded.

The corpses of the two kids in the shadow world were destroyed. Gao Ming understood something from this. Mental pain in real life corresponded to something in the shadow world. The real solution was not to ignore the pain but to bring them back to real life to destroy them. That way, it wouldn’t be a burden on both worlds.

“My mission is done. You need to live your lives now.” Gao Ming finally got the power to use the death portraits of the flood. Everything was worth it.

“Thank you. Can you tell us your contact number?” Le Jia took out his phone, “In the future, if you need anything from us, just call.” Then, he quickly added, considering his occupation, “You can just call us for menial tasks. We are quite powerful.”

“I only need you to carry on the neighbour’s hope.” After exchanging numbers with the brothers, Gao Ming left. After leaving the funeral home, Gao Ming was hit by vertigo, so he had to sit down. His chest collapsed. The blood vessels hooked on his skin like rusted barbs. Death memories flashed in the dark. In the past, the God of Blood and Flesh held down the torture room. After Gong Xi was injured, Gao Ming had to suffer the death memories himself.

“So hungry…”

Gao Ming held the wall and walked into a shop nearby. After finishing a bowl of meat and noodles, he was still hungry. The hunger couldn’t be satisfied with food.

“Do I need to create a new game?”

There were many death portraits in his bag. It was enough for Gao Ming to create a new game. Gao Ming thought about the new game details when his phone rang. Gao Ming was surprised to see the caller. He answered the call. “How can I help you, Liu Yi?”

“Have you seen the chat group? Zuo Jun has booked a bus to send everyone to a holiday villa for the gathering.

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Novel Notes

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