Chapter 104: Save
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 104: Save

“How many water ghosts are down there?”

“I don’t know. Haven’t counted.” Zhang Ding shook his head. “Resentment attracts resentment, so the number keeps increasing.”

Hearing the conversation between Gao Ming and Zhang Ding, Bai Xiao took a deep breath. He had experienced many anomalies and hadn’t seen something so scary.

Even though he had superhuman bravery, he would still feel angst and fear if he really had to go down there. In comparison, the normal person only appeared a little nervous.

“How about I go first?” Bai Xiao stopped Gao Ming, “Even if you have a trump card, it couldn’t stop that many ghosts. I’ll go to scout the way. Then, you can decide if you want to continue with this death trip.” From Bai Xiao’s words, he didn’t have the confidence in Gao Ming. Therefore, he hoped Gao Ming could consider this further. After all, Gao Ming was not connected to the newbies from the investigation centre. He was just a ‘pedestrian’ being dragged into the anomaly.

“If you go down, I might need to save you later.” Gao Ming pushed Bai Xiao away. His hands touched his heart. He didn’t remove his shirt and jumped down the hole. The painful memories splashed like ripples. The pairs of hands grabbed Gao Ming’s body to drag him into the darkness.

Gao Ming continued to sink. The closer he was to the bottom, the stronger the resentment. It was why Zhang Ding couldn’t submerge into the water to carry the children’s bodies out. They already had a hard time maintaining their rationality. Once they came close to the bottom, they might lose control and became crazy.

“Zhang Ding probably saved those regulars up there over the past ten years…”

The victims’ memories infiltrated Gao Ming’s mind. The bloated arms tore at his body.

“You are innocent too. I will save you eventually.” Gao Ming didn’t just give empty promises. He had a scale in his heart. It was normal for the innocent to receive salvation. Eight arms enveloped Gao Ming. He was protected by stronger ‘flesh’ than a normal water ghost. After many deaths, his constitu

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