Chapter 103: Enter the Water
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 103: Enter the Water

Zhang Ding remembered everything. He was in more pain than others, but he also saw things the clearest.

“Have you been helping us since we entered the supermarket?” Gao Ming kept his gaze underground. There were a few humans among the endless dead.

Zhang Ding pointed at the hole in the ground, “This opening is the vent in your nightmare. The whole supermarket is enveloped by resentment. Everyone who comes in will fall into the nightmare. If you can’t escape in time, you’ll become a part of the nightmare.”

“Is that why there’s a countdown timer?” Gao Ming understood everything. Min Long Supermarket had a basement that hid the resentful ghosts that died in the flood. Zhang Ding and a few neighbours who were not affected by resentment tried to keep everything at a balance to slowly ground down the hatred in the water ghosts’ hearts.

The outsiders would be dragged by the water ghosts into the nightmare. Zhang Ding would enter the nightmare to try to save them. The flood Gao Ming saw was made from water ghosts. Zhang Ding was impressed by Gao Ming because Gao Ming fulfilled his wishes ten years ago.

“I have another question.” Gao Ming took out the picture he found. “These two kids should be the survivors of the flood. Why would their pictures be in the locker? And why would the work table ask us to deal with their corpses?”

“Le Jia and Le Ren are kids of a regular. The flood happened so suddenly. The customers worked together and only managed to get the two kids to the roof.” Zhang Ding didn’t want to look at the picture. “They are the only survivors, but they live with such pain.”

“How do you know?”

“Because they left their most important things in the flood.” Zhang Ding waved for Gao Ming to look down. Deep inside the flood, there were two children's bodies. One was filled with self-blame, and the other was filled with fear.

“The frightened kid is Le Ren. The older kid is Le Jia. After I sent them to the roof, Le Jia hung astound the vent and reached his hands towards my son.

“I tried to send Zhang Fendou ov

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Novel Notes

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