Chapter 105: Escape
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 105: Escape

The water ghosts’ resentment pierced Gao Ming like poisonous needles. Even if he had escaped, the hatred didn’t dissipate. Seeing Gao Ming in such pain, Zhang Ding silently walked to Gao Ming and pressed down on Gao Ming’s head. The pain and resentment lingering on Gao Ming flowed into Zhang Ding’s palm like water. Very soon, a new wound appeared on Zhang Ding’s arm. At the same time, Gao Ming felt much better.

He opened his eyes and gasped for air. He held his heart and slowly sat up. He turned to Bai Xiao. “I’m sorry I can’t save everyone. I’ve tried my best.”

Bai Xiao was a cool person. He didn’t know how to respond. After a while, he said, “Thank you for saving my teammates and my little sister.” This was probably Bai Xiao’s first time thanking someone. He was very sincere.

“You don’t need to thank you. I have my own goals to help you. It’s not innocent.” Gao Ming’s honesty surprised the people and ghosts present.

Gao Ming raised his hand and grabbed Bai Xiao’s arm. “Are the regulars in the supermarket ghosts? Did they save you?”

Bai Xiao didn’t know what was Gao Ming’s angle. After some thought, he nodded. “These customers saved us, but we are also trapped here because of them.”

“It’s the underground water ghosts who trap you here. Furthermore, these victims were trapped in the water when the flood came. Was it their fault?” Gao Ming didn’t let go. He needed Bai Xiao to see his point of view.

Since Bai Xiao didn’t speak, Gao Ming continued, “Did we want to be like this? Did they have a choice not to be a ghost?”

Bai Xiao had an answer in his heart, but he was confused, “Why are you speaking for them?”

“There are good and bad ghosts, like how there are good and bad humans. I’m only helping the good and innocent.” Gao Ming looked at Bai Xiao’s uniform. “Do you think everyone in the investigator centre is good?”

Seeing the change in Bai Xiao’s expression, Gao Ming slowed down. “Qin Tian will die on his trip to the east city. After that, it’ll be your turn to die. You think your deaths can protect the ci

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