Chapter 67: Almost Fitting
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No one imagined that it would take a full two hours to descend the seemingly endless spiral staircase.

Moreover, after Liu Ji saw that strange vision, Yaine decided to discard the covertness and used the Daylight spell to illuminate the stairwell, speeding up their descent considerably.

Even so, it still took them two hours; utterly ridiculous.

When the group finally emerged at the bottom of the stairwell, they were stunned by the sight that greeted them.

This underground space was far more expansive than they had imagined.

The massive cavern housing Swirling Mire City was already impressive, but this space was nearly ten times larger.

The place where the group emerged from the stairwell was on the outermost edge of this immense cavern. In the center of the cavern stood a magnificent golden tree.

This tree was unlike anything they had ever seen; even the massive ancient tree spirits were dwarfed by it.

Golden leaves adorning the tree emitted a gentle glow, illuminating the dark underground. The entire tree seemed like it was made of precious jade, while long, golden branches hung down like threads of gold, creating an ethereal beauty.

What was strange about the tree was that it hung upside down from the cavern's ceiling—its roots above and branches below—casting a mesmerizing golden light that resembled falling stars.

When gazing at that tree, Liu Ji felt an urge to bow before the tree as if it were a divine and sacred presence.

However, Yaine quickly snapped him out of it with a sharp tap on his head.

"Don't stare at it," Yaine warned sternly. "Things that are more beautiful are more likely to deceive. Don't be fooled by appearances."

"Ah, okay." Liu Ji returned to his senses, pulling his gaze away.

But despite his efforts, his eyes kept drifting back to the tree.

Unable to help himself, he started looking around, trying to focus on something else, and finally settled on staring at Yaine.

Unlike Liu Ji, the rest of the group, perhaps more experienced or more cautious, didn't seem affected. After a

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game