Chapter 68: Human, But Not Entirely
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 68: Human, But Not Entirely

Yaine and the others were just casually strolling about. As Yaine had said, there was no need to hide since their presence had already been detected. If the master of this place had any objections, he would definitely come forward.

Thus, at present, the group was openly touring the training ground.

This training ground was vast. Though there were no clear markers, the layout suggested it was divided into dozens of sections, each filled with numerous Earthwalker soldiers in training.

Unlike the guards above, the soldiers and guards simply continued their training routines and paid no attention to the presence of Yaine and her group. Even if they stepped into the middle of their formation, the soldiers would simply stop and silently observe.

Yaine attempted to speak with them, but they wouldn't respond. Even Calidora's attempts to make them speak via illusions were futile.

It was uncertain whether Calidora's illusory arts were ineffective or simply didn't work on these soldiers.

The former reason made sense since they were in enemy territory, and having some form of mental protection was reasonable. But if it were the latter…

Wouldn't it mean that these soldiers were no different from mindless golems?

This unsettling thought reminded Calidora of the Tyrant's lackeys.

After passing through the training ground, the group came across several buildings with a religious flair. Upon exploring them, they found them to be extensions of the training grounds rather than dining halls or dormitories.

Each floor they checked was a large, open space filled with Earthwalker soldiers drilling.

When they finally reached the rooftop of one and looked around, they realized there were many such training grounds with such complexes scattered throughout the vast underground space.

While some appeared unused, most were densely packed with Earthwalker soldiers.

"The population here must be several times—no, dozens, maybe even hundreds of times that above…" Yaine muttered, her eyebrows furrowed as she overlooked the wide expanse

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game