Chapter 69: Sorry, I Forgot How to Walk All of a Sudden
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 69: Sorry, I Forgot How to Walk All of a Sudden

Disgusting. That was the only word that came to Liu Ji's mind.

The nauseating stench assaulted his nostrils, and the inhumane scene ravaged his mind.

And this was just the lowest floor of the tower. As the group ascended the tower, the scenes changed.

Now, it was even younger Earthwalker children who could barely walk. Their situation mirrored that of those below, except the vines binding their necks lacked thorns, likely due to their young age.

However, perhaps due to the poor environment or another reason, while some children looked relatively healthy, others appeared incredibly frail as if they could die at any moment.

At one point, Liu Ji could no longer bear it and wanted to help the children, but Yaine stopped him.

"You can't save them," she said. "There are curses inside their bodies. If the caster doesn't release the curse, they'll die if taken out of this tower."

Taking a deep breath, Yaine added sorrowfully, "The vines around their necks aren't just shackles; they're also their lifelines…"

Liu Ji wanted to ask if the curses could be undone, but seeing the shared sorrow in Yaine's eyes, he knew there was no need to ask—if it could be undone, Yaine would have already done so.

Suppressing the turmoil in their hearts, the group continued upward.

As they got higher, the children got younger. Eventually, they reached a floor filled with infants lying in vine-woven cradles, suckling the golden nectar from the threads.

There were significantly more infants here than children on the lower floors, with greatly varying conditions—some were full of life, crying loudly, while others were near death.

But strangely, during their ascension, not a single child's corpse was seen. Everyone understood that the older children were fewer because many had died during their growth.

What happened to the corpses afterward was a mystery.

As the group climbed higher, the scenes changed once more.

Gone were the infants, replaced by pregnant Earthwalker women bound to vine beds.

They lay there, naked, eyes vacant, star

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game