Chapter 66: Never Dared to Play Horror VR Games
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 66: Never Dared to Play Horror VR Games

There was only one road from Swirling Mire City that led to the front lines.

Following the main thoroughfare of the city to its very end, one would find a spiral staircase leading to the lower levels.

There were always guards stationed there, allowing only enlisted earthwalkers to pass through.

According to Guoguo, they had previously saved a young earthwalker who was enlisting. With his help, Nox and Shelo managed to find the relevant authorities, claiming they wanted to help fight the otherworldly army and do their bit to protect the world. With that, they managed to get in.

But for the present group, there was no need to go through such trouble.

They didn't seek out anyone or make preparations; they simply walked down the main road toward the entrance of the spiral staircase.

When the earthwalkers guarding the entrance were about to stop them, they met Calidora's gaze.

Right away, the guards immediately withdrew, returning to their original posts as if they hadn't seen anything, allowing the group to pass through and enter the spiral staircase.

"Though I've experienced it many times, Sis Cali's ability is still so impressive…" muttered Guoguo.

"Of course, she used to be called the Holy Dragon Maiden." Yaine laughed, nudging Calidora with her elbow. "Right, Holy Maiden?"

"Don't call me that." Calidora smiled wryly. "That was just a nickname in school. Mervant was called the Shadow Blade Tyrant back then, too."

"Pfft," Osar snorted, quickly waving his hands in apology toward Mervant. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything. That name just makes me crack up every time."

Mervant's lips twitched in annoyance, and in a flash, he disappeared again.

Everyone was used to it by now and continued on. The spiral staircase leading deeper into the underground was just as dark and unlit as the one connected to the surface.

But unlike the old and damaged upper staircase, this one was intact, complete with handrails on both sides.

To be on the safe side, Yaine didn't use the glaringly bright Daylight spell for illumination. Earthwalkers

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Check out my other novels:
I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game