Chapter 65: How Can a Priest Mean You Harm?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 65: How Can a Priest Mean You Harm?

In the shed just before the mine's entrance, Yaine examined the seed that Mervant had obtained. Outside, the rescued earthwalker children gathered, peering curiously into the shack.

By the outdoor stove, Calidora and Guoguo were preparing food, while Mervant helped chop up firewood. Girunini and Osar ventured into the mine, intending to scout out the area.

As for Liu Ji…

He was slumped on one side of the table, staring blankly at the seed.

Yaine had told him that this seed might be related to those monsters in the swamp. Since then, Liu Ji had been thinking that while those black monsters were disgusting, this seed actually didn't seem that bad.

Well… Too bad Yaine probably wouldn't let him eat it.

About an hour later, the food was ready. After serving the children, Calidora brought portions for Liu Ji and Yaine.

Food supplies here were scarce, limited to some millet-like grain and dried vegetables. Fortunately, their party had some provisions left, so meat could still be added to the grains and vegetables to make porridge, which smelled quite appetizing.

At least the young earthwalkers outside seemed to enjoy it.

Liu Ji took the porridge and thanked Calidora. He then glanced at Yaine, worried the latter might forget to eat while engrossed in researching.

However, he soon realized he needn't have worried. Yaine simply chanted an incantation, and a portion of the porridge floated up and hovered near her mouth. Yaine then took bites for it without taking her eyes off her magic array in front of her.

In fact, she finished her meal before Liu Ji did, who still had half a bowl left when she was done.

Not too long after the meal, Osar and Girunini returned, carrying some crystal shards in their hands. While the tavern boss said that he didn't charge for food and drink, it was still handy to have some local currency.

After finishing the porridge being kept warm in the pot for them, the two also joined the others in the shack.

The group, along with the bunch of earthwalker children, gathered around Yaine, waiting for the r

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