Chapter 64: How Do You Know the Gang Is Deceiving Them?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 64: How Do You Know the Gang Is Deceiving Them?

Liu Ji was totally confused.

He followed everyone into a restaurant, thinking that they were going to eat. But even before their butts had warmed the chairs, the whole gang left in a hurry after a quick conversation with the owner that Liu Ji couldn't understand.

Not that he minded though; the restaurant felt more like a senior citizen activity center. There was only hard bread and plain water on the neighboring table, which looked worse than the casual meals they had on the journey. Thus, Liu Ji wasn't too keen on dining here either.

Following the group at a slow jog, they left what could be considered the main city area.

Well… probably a part that ought to be called the main city area.

After all, the only area that could still be considered a city were the streets near the staircase. Beyond that, it was all dilapidated old houses and ruins. Some still had collapsed roofs, while others were just columns and piles of debris.

This might have once been part of the city, but it had clearly fallen into disrepair, becoming the "suburbs."

Deep in the suburbs, the roads began to show signs of incongruous mine cart tracks. These tracks weren't particularly new or well-maintained, but they were usable and showed signs of upkeep.

Following the tracks, the group spotted a lit mine shaft near a stone wall in the distance.

Outside the mine, a lady who didn't look like an earthwalker sat by a furnace, seemingly cooking something in a large pot. And near her, a bunch of lively earthwalker children were running around, playing a game of sorts.

Upon seeing that lady, Girunini called out in delight, "It's Guoguo! Thank goodness! She's okay!"

Osar raised his arms, shouting loudly while waving, "Hey! Guoguo! Can you hear me?"

In the quiet underground, his voice echoed loud, easily catching the lady's attention. She looked up in surprise, rubbed her eyes, and then ran toward them, shouting with joy.

Osar spread his arms, ready to give his long-lost companion a big hug.

But instead of hugging him, the lady darted under his arms and thre

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game