Chapter 36: Taking Money Instead Of Paying Up?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 36: Taking Money Instead Of Paying Up?

In the underground space of the ancient desert city, everyone was gathered together for a hotpot.

Of course, calling it hotpot was a stretch. It was really just a big pot cooking meat, with various vegetables thrown in.

Although Myza's farm grew a variety of produce, the only seasoning available was a dried fruit that tasted somewhat like pepper.

There was plenty of salt, which Myza said was collected and processed from the desert, though Liu Ji didn't know the specifics.

In any case, he was finally eating something savory after so many days, which greatly improved his mood.

Everyone else also seemed rather relaxed.

Yaine, who had been in a state of constant tension, was now lazily lying in a rocking chair, staring blankly at the glowing stones on the ceiling.

It was uncertain how long the blood moon anomaly would last, and since this place was safe, she had no other task besides increasing Liu Ji's daily homework. This had finally given her a reason to relax.

Mervant and Calidora, the couple, were being very affectionate, not even bothering with food as they found a secluded corner to be together.

It was understandable. They had worried about each other during their separation, with no way to communicate, and had even feared for each other's safety. Now reunited, they naturally wanted to make the most of their time together.

Meanwhile, Osar and Girunini were rather amusing. Osar, who in the past went crazy from not knowing how to use chopsticks, was now stopping Girunini from using her hands to eat!

And this was an extreme challenge for him. After all, he wasn't Yaine, and Girunini wasn't him. His attempts at forcibly teaching Girunini only resulted in the Miffy plucking several hairs from his waist in retaliation. This scene somehow reminded Liu Ji of an episode of Tom and Jerry

To be honest, Liu Ji didn't think there was any need for Osar to go out of his way to teach Girunini chopsticks usage.

After all, they were having hotpot, and it was a standard Chinese hotpot, even if it was a clear soup rather than a sp

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