Chapter 35: Favorability Skyrockets
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 35: Favorability Skyrockets

Liu Ji was slightly dumbfounded. Out of nowhere, the pretty lady who had been with the black-clad swordsman walked over, performed a gesture that Liu Ji didn't understand, and then thanked him using incantation.

He had no idea why he was suddenly being thanked and thought there must have been some mistake.

This strange situation quickly caught the attention of everyone else. Most were puzzled as to why Calidora would suddenly thank Liu Ji.

Besides Mervant, who looked slightly embarrassed, Yaine seemed to know something. She smiled at Liu Ji and said softly, "I hadn't had a chance to tell them, but they figured it out on their own."

For some reason, she said this in incantation.

But with the language of incantation, difficulty increased exponentially from words to phrases to sentences. Liu Ji repeated the long sentence in his mind several times and still couldn't fully understand it.

He could only grasp that he had done something worth thanking for.

But… Liu Ji didn't think he had done anything significant. Even if this new lady was mistaken, surely Yaine wouldn't be, would she? Had he unknowingly done something extraordinary?

While Liu Ji was still baffled, he saw Calidora speaking to the others, and then, he noticed the way the others viewed him changed.

Then, as if he were at some kind of idol handshake event, they came over one by one, patting his shoulder or praising him, which made him feel rather embarrassed.

Even Myza joined in the fun, saying something in a mix of languages, "Hero saves beauty, brilliant."

Liu Ji couldn't understand.

And how does he even know English? Hero saves beauty? Me?

Oh… Is he referring to the time I swatted someone to death?

No, it couldn't be. He was just an amateur who acted on impulse, and from Yaine's reaction, it seemed like she didn't consider that foe a significant threat.

So, what else could it be?

No matter how much Liu Ji thought about it, he still felt like he hadn't done anything.

Yet, suddenly, it was as if his favorability with everyone skyrocketed.

Don't tell me my

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game