Chapter 37: It's Here
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Underground, within a sealed barrier in the core area, everyone sat on the ground, tense and silent.

And in the middle of the group was a pot with a potato.

Clearly, that was Liu Ji.

Since the strange incident occurred, he had turned into a potato. Osar felt that since Liu Ji had turned into a potato, he should be planted back in the soil. Thus, he found a flowerpot, filled it with some soil, and planted Liu Ji in it.

At this moment, a stone golem brought in a few cups of water, placing one beside each person before turning and leaving the barrier.

However, no one picked up their cups to drink. Osar did pick up his cup, but only to water Liu Ji.

Seeing her downcast companions all silent, Girunini was unable to sit still and spoke up, "Uh, if I remember correctly, Mr. Myza said we could talk in here, right?"

Mervant glanced at her and sighed. "So, what do you want to say?"

"I… Well, I just wanted to say that even though the Tyrant is here, we still…" Girunini began but then faltered, holding her forehead and cursing softly, "Damn it, we can't do anything…"

Calidora reached out, pulled Girunini over, and held her in her arms.

Girunini froze up at first, then buried her head in Caridora's embrace, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Calidora said nothing, just gently stroking her companion's hair.

Mervant let out a long sigh, lowered his head and rested it in his hands.

Yaine went beside Osar, pulling the flowerpot with Liu Ji closer and staring at the shimmering glass-like leaves.

Osar patted her shoulder and gave her an encouraging smile.

Yaine returned a smile, albeit a weak one.

Fear, silence, pressure, and unease permeated every creek and crevice, making every one of them feel stifled…



"I've heard stories about you." Myza and the man in the scarlet cloak stood opposite each other on a sand dune beyond the ancient city. "The legends depict you as somewhat of a madman, but I never imagined you to be concerned about the wellbeing of my golems."

"In the eyes of my enemies, I have always been mad, or rather… t

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game