Chapter 190: Second Battle (2)
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 190: Second Battle (2) (Teaser)

Twenty-something Johan had many memories of desperate running in his short life.

His earliest running had been as a child when he stole food hidden in a neighbor's junk pile due to extreme hunger. His mother, both ashamed and embarrassed, chased him with a poker from one end of the slums to the other.

Johan only remembered that his mother cried louder than him when she was doling out the beating.

Later, he learned that stealing others' food was wrong because they needed it too… If his theft caused someone else to die so he could live, then he would have made a grave mistake.

Countless running followed, not because John did anything wrong. At least, he was certain of that.

One winter, when he was just over ten, collecting cow dung at the mule and horse market for fuel, a kind stable worker saw him staggering with hunger and gave him a small bag of beans meant for horses to take home.

That small bag of black beans could save his family. When the older kids there tried to steal it, Johan abandoned the dung bag, clutched the beans, and ra