Chapter 189: Second Battle (1)
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 189: Second Battle (1)

Midday weather during the 11th month in Indahl wasn't too cold, and Johan wasn't dressed heavily. His trousers were long pants pulled up high and tied at the waist with a cotton belt. He wore a hole-ridden cotton pullover with a sleeveless linen waistcoat. The shoulders of the waistcoat typically had old cloth layered and sewn into somewhat thick shoulder pads, offering slight protection when carrying heavy items during miscellaneous tasks.

Such attire offered no protection at all; a few harsh kicks were enough to incapacitate him. Curling up with his arms around his stomach, he dared not even whimper too loudly, as it would cause his abdomen to ache.

Then, a large hand in a leather glove grabbed his unkempt, half-long curly hair, pulling him upward. The acute pain from his scalp forced Johan to bear the pain and get up, stumbling forward as he was led by the person holding his hair.

On one side of the sidewalk, there were several horse-drawn boxed carriages used by the city police to transport criminals.

These carriages, somewhat similar to Weisshem's steel carriages, had a large body and an enclosed driver's seat at the front to prevent attacks. However, they had a much lower chassis than Weisshem's, and only the frame was reinforced with steel; the carriage body was still made of thick wood.

When Johan was thrown into one of these carriages, it was already filled with people. As he tumbled in, he saw many pairs of feet. This terrified, bewildered young man from the slums struggled to prop himself up on his elbows and lift his head, scanning the cramped, fearful faces of those standing shoulder to shoulder.

They were all young men of similar age to him, some dressed like him in their work clothes, others a bit cleaner but with dirty shoes; clearly, they weren't from the more distinguished parts of the city.

"Stop being a hindrance, stand properly!"

Hearing the scolding from behind, Johan hurriedly got up and squeezed in with the others in the carriage.

Then, Johan watched as he companions, Sanchi, Tommy, and Bobb

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin