Chapter 188: Recruiting Militia
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 188: Recruiting Militia

Upon his return to the city lord's manor, Adra III's first action was to throw Commander Horn of the city defense force into prison.

As the livid lord was about to manipulate the situation and appoint an officer with a grudge against Horn as a replacement, following his father's teachings in political maneuvering, Steward Gould hurried back to stop him.

The Bartalises' prior actions of transferring assets and moving their heirs away had already destabilized the city defense force. A sudden change in command would completely undermine the military's effectiveness.

Reluctantly, Adra III had to release Horn to lead the troops again while humbly following the old steward’s advice and commanding the city hall to organize manpower and conscript "militia" within the city. Since the nobles had already turned their backs, he really had no choice but to turn to the city hall.

Conscripting "militia" from within the city wasn't a good idea. City youths weren't as easily intimidated as rural farmers, but this was the only method Gould could think of at the moment… Given that Weisshem's takeover was inevitable, the best option was to cause as much trouble for that bastard usurper!

Casualties were inevitable in wars. If Rex's undead army caused harm to the city's civilians, he would find it difficult to hold the position of lord comfortably. Once the Bartalis family had "strategically relocated" to a safe place and regathered their strength to return, the local populace, bearing deep grudges against Rex, would surely welcome their return with open arms.

While the Bartalis family seized this last opportunity to cause trouble for Rex, Viscount Darcy, upon returning to his estate, urgently inquired of his steward, Ford, about any news from his granddaughter Gina, who had been sent to Weisshem nearly about a week ago. Viscount Darcy, who hardly remembered what his granddaughter looked like, showed unprecedented concern toward her marriage prospects.

Steward Ford awkwardly reported, "Miss Gina already sent someone back to make a repor

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin