Chapter 187: To Win The First Battle
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 187: To Win The First Battle

At the battle ongoing at the mule and horse market beneath the west gate, all was normal during the first half hour.

The city defense force truly justified the Bartalises' years of substantial support. Their individual soldier quality and battle formation organization far surpassed the temporary armies composed of various nobles' private troops.

They didn't just withstand most of the undead assaults, but had also learned from the Radiant Sun Church's knights: actively using squad interlacing tactics to reclaim many private soldiers and mercenaries that were nearly carried off, infuriating the undead immensely.

Half an hour later, the city defense force, frequently changing formations and continuously covering for their allies, gradually became exhausted. The disorganized mercenaries' battle lines and the noble private troops' battle lines, barely better than the former, began to suffer losses…

"Hold them back! Stop them!" The panting city defense force commander, Horn, witnessed the mercenaries' line being breached and the fearless undead charging in a frenzy to carry men off. He urgently wheeled his horse around, leading the most elite cavalry squad across the battlefield toward the breach.

A charge cut off the undead's attack path and maintained the nearly collapsed line. Horn, a few years older than Wagner, felt his throat burning with each breath he took.

Before Commander Horn could catch his breath, another side of the battlefield, where the noble's private troops were stationed, erupted into chaotic cries for help and furious curses…

Mercenaries active in Indahl and the private troops employed by noble families weren't weak, and every one of them possessed adequate combat strength. However, these mercenaries and private soldiers were only accustomed to small-scale battles and had little sense of mutual assistance. When gaps appeared in their own lines, they would tend to protect their own, which resulted in any breach expanding twice over if they were left to their own devices.

Commander Horn had no choice bu

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin