Chapter 186: Behind-Enemy-Lines Teams
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 186: Behind-Enemy-Lines Teams

The large amount of undead activity at all four city gates definitely had an impact on the residents of the city.

Astute shopkeepers, as if having come to an agreement in advance, desperately raised their prices. The price of black bread in bakeries skyrocketed to 10 copper coins a bag overnight, and even potatoes, a cheap food that usually cost a few copper coins for a large amount, soared to one or even two copper coins per half kilogram.

However, apart from the soaring prices, there were other problems.

Gangsters who were active on the streets were hired by the wealthy to watch their homes and yards, resulting in the security of each district to improve rapidly.

The middle class firmly believed themselves the backbone of the city and was certain they would still be employed no matter the city lord. Plus, it was difficult for them to abandon their properties and flee. So, their emotional state remained relatively stable.

Most ordinary city folk were very anxious, but on discovering vegetable farmers still entering the city, milkmen riding their tricycles around the streets in the earling morning, and paperboys selling newspapers, they quickly calmed down as well.

This morning, as per usual, the freckled Sanchi gathered with the incoming vegetable farmers and milkmen in front of the west gate, waiting for it to open. When it was time, the gate guards, afraid of the undead outside, refused to open the gate.

Sanchi, along with others who needed to enter the city to make a living, angrily knocked on the gate and made a ruckus for over half an hour before they managed to get the city gate opened and rushed into the city for work.

That's right, the undead wandering around outside the city gates were very conspicuous, but for the lower classes who live hand to mouth, they had to continue their lives as long as these undead didn't kill or rob them.

Those undead had no intention of storming the city gates, and Sanchi couldn't understand what the gate guards were afraid of!

Well… actually, it was Yang Qiu who had set a lim

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin