Chapter 191: Second Battle (3)
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 191: Second Battle (3) (Teaser)

When Johan was about a hundred meters away from Weisshem's camp, he smelled an extremely enticing and very familiar aroma.

Having only eaten a handful of boiled potatoes in the last 20 hours, Johan's entire sensory system went into overdrive. He inhaled deeply as saliva flooded his mouth, and even his stomach, quietly nestled in his abdomen, began to contract, signaling hunger.

Johan wasn't the only one enticed by the aroma. He heard the man with a stubbly chin to his right gulp hard, making a gurgling sound.

Being in proximity to so many undead made these hunger-stricken young and middle-aged men too afraid to express their emotions, so they only quickened their pace unknowingly.

By the time Johan, whose legs were starting to ache from the running, finally reached the front of Weisshem's camp, he could finally see the source of the aroma.

Beyond the camp walls made of wood and stone, on an open space within, large pots were steaming on a row of simple stone and mud stoves.

"They are here, they are here!" the men guarding the camp ent