Chapter 855: Wailing Baby (2)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 855: Wailing Baby (2)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The cultivators were gone, but Tang Jie was still in a stand-off with the Wailing Baby.

Split-Second Youth was powerful, but the fiend was also formidable, its cultivation one level higher than his. Thus, the Time power needed to hold it was quite significant.

Once all the cultivators were gone, Tang Jie immediately called back his Time power.

Finally free, the Wailing Baby continued to grab at Tang Jie, but it found nothing there. Tang Jie had already retreated back to Xu Miaoran's side.

It then found that its earlier prey, including the prey that it had stomped half to death, had now all disappeared.

Furious, it let out a sharp wail.

And with this terrifying cry, the fiend began to chase after Tang Jie.

Tang Jie didn't even try to fight it, letting out Tutu and pulling Xu Miaoran onto the rabbit. "Go!"

Tutu looked back, saw that giant fiend, and immediately ran for its life, not even needing Tang Jie's prompting.

The Wailing Baby was no speedster, and Tutu could easily outrun it.

But Tang Jie didn't let it do so, saying, "Slow down and try to maintain a set distance between you and that fiend."

His eyes flashed with divine light, and the clouds above began to rumble with lightning. A few moments later, the Nine Heavens Calamity Blades began to descend.

In terms of pure power, Tang Jie naturally had stronger moves. The Ten Extinctions Blade, the Skyrend Swordfall, and the Combat Emperor Catalog were all more lethal. However, rather than those powerful Dao Arts and Divine Connections, it was these middle-tier Divine Connections that had the best balance of strength and power consumption.

The Nine Heavens Calamity Blade had long since fallen into the middle of the pack among Tang Jie's moves, but it had several advantages that made it optimal for the current circumstances. One was that it used the power of the world, and when thoughtcasting, it placed the least burden on his body and would let him last the longest. Secondly, while it wasn't particular

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Translator Notes

Damn, Tang Jie took an entire chapter to beat up a baby, how far the mighty have fallen.

Novel Notes

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