Chapter 854: The Wailing Baby (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 854: The Wailing Baby (1)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


"'One horse'?" Xu Miaoran looked at Tang Jie in confusion.

Tang Jie didn't explain, pulling on Xu Miaoran and saying, "Come on. Let's get out of here so we don't provoke that horse."

He hastily flew away.

Xu Miaoran had never seen Tang Jie so cautious before, which indicated to her that this horse was nothing to be messed with, so she followed.

After flying for a while, Tang Jie finally stopped and said, "That was close. I didn't think we would run into a High Antiquity exotic beast of the Void Returning Level here."

"'Void Returning'?" Xu Miaoran yelped in shock. Didn't that mean that this had been a great fiend of the Immortal Platform Realm?

It was no wonder Tang Jie had been in such a hurry to leave.

"If not, how could it have so easily killed two Violet Palace cultivators?" Tang Jie said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The Court of Myriad Domains really was rife with dangers. It was even possible to just randomly run into a Void Returning great fiend.

But after thinking about it, he realized that this wasn't anything strange. Any fiend that could live for more than ten thousand years would have reached this level.

In the cultivation world, being old was essentially saying that one was strong.

After avoiding the Heavenly Horse, the two continued forward. They ran into several more incidents, but they mostly managed to avoid them without trouble.

The real things to be careful about were other cultivators.

Tang Jie had run into cultivators several times who had seen that they were separated from a group, and tried to murder them for their treasures. There was one time where Tang Jie had killed them instead, and another two times where the other party had been strong enough that Tang Jie had chosen to run rather than risk a fight.

This was a complex environment with pernicious humans, vicious fiend beasts, and bizarre traps and formations, all of them coming together to make the Court of Myriad Domains a most treacherous place.

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Translator Notes

Is anything going to come of these casually-made promises? Will the author remember them?

Novel Notes

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