Chapter 984.5- Who bullied my dragon (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 984.5- Who bullied my dragon (2)

Thus, Le Dayuan called it Annihilation 2!

The first model was the first experimental prototype.

There were ten of these on the walls of the Imperial City!

There weren’t too many, but these were the limits of Cloud Peak’s production ability. While ensuring that they could produce other weapons, they were able to craft ten of these with outside help. They even had to buy materials from Cannibal Chain to craft it.

Although there were ten, Cloud Peak was confident in its strength.

15 level five crystals could provide three shots. After the three shots, you needed to switch crystals. You could fire nine times if you used level six crystals, but it would be 20% stronger.

Of course, you could use level seven crystals, which was the highest level crystal that the cannon could handle. However, Le Dayuan estimated that the strength would increase, but its efficiency would be lower.

When Ye Zhongming fired the shot, which used level-five crystals, you could tell that Annihilation 2 was very strong. It could damage Yangos. Ye Zhongming knew about the scales, and they were one of the best natural armors. To break the armor showed that it was already very powerful.

If you used level-six crystals, it should be able to threaten the level-nine Saint Light Hall expert.

Ye Zhongming did a signal. He didn’t want to curse Yangos as it was pointless. He had to chase the evil dragon away; if not, this fellow could wipe out his warriors.

Ten cannons aimed at Yangos and split into three batches. They fired three at a time.

The reason why only nine fired was because the cannons had their weakness. There had to be a gap between each shot. If not, they would explode.

Although it wasn’t an explosion like traditional cannons, it would cause the energy path to be damaged. Each shot had to have a minute’s gap.

Yangos cursed, but this fellow continued to stare at Ye Zhongming. It saw more of those lights flying at itself, so it started to dodge. At the same time, it spat fireballs to block those attacks.

The flames and crystal energy

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