Chapter 984- Who bullied my dragon
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 984- Who bullied my dragon

Yangos would never forget that voice, even if it died.

After it appeared on Earth and grew quickly in Ying City, it became the ruler of that city within a short time.

To a dragon, becoming a king was something they chased for their lives.

But Yangos was an exception. It didn’t think that it was good to have a big territory. It just wanted enough food.

When it was hungry, it would move to find some food. It would just head to the bottom of a pool when it was tired to sleep. It might be a fire dragon, but it loved water.

Of course, Yangos would even find suitable female beasts to have some fun with. If it killed her, it would just eat it, and if it stayed alive, it would raise it to see if there was a chance it could have a kid.

When it thought back to those days, it felt like it was perfect.

But all of this changed because of the owner of that voice.

This person sent it here.

Yangos would never forget what it faced when it entered this place. It was a humiliation!

When it entered, it was beaten up by many low-level flying demon monsters. Yangos would never allow that, and it wanted to fight back. But the truth proved that those flying demon monsters were too tough to handle. Its scales that it was proud of were actually like paper in front of their sharp beaks. Holes were left in it. When it killed hundreds of them, its body was covered in holes.

Yangos was afraid and used its speed to escape.

But it wasn’t over yet. Due to its blood, the smell attracted many demon monsters. It was a level six dragon and was chased by many other lifeforms to get its meat. It was forced to flee.

If not for its good body quality, it wouldn’t have been able to hold on, and those lifeforms would have killed it.

It then fled across a hill covered in bones and was attacked by a few strong bone dragons. These seniors didn’t care that they were the same race and tried to kill it with every move. Its horn and one eye were destroyed there.

It then fled to a weak human territory that felt like its good days were here. It attacke

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