Chapter 983- Yangos you are still alive
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 983- Yangos you are still alive

Hacheng looked at the blood splattering and felt joy that he had never felt when he had gone out to hunt.

The blood of the Saint Light Hall warriors. This was the blood of the faction that only appeared in his nightmares.

The faction that he hated!

Not long ago, these people destroyed his home. To him, the warm mountains in the winter had a different meaning.

He was born and grew up there. He had a wife, a home, and two kids.

One must know that not many families could have two kids. After all, the child death rate was too high. Even if the Posthumous people woman was strong and healthy, it didn’t make a difference.

Hacheng felt he would be like his father’s generation. He would hunt and gather food to raise his kids. At a suitable time, he might even have a third child, which was also his wife’s wish.

He would then teach his battle skills and experience to his son and daughter. The son would become an even better warrior. His daughter would learn each life skill, and after she married, she would take good care of her husband and family.

But all this was destroyed by these people days ago.

Hacheng thought he was brave, but when Saint Light Hall struck his tribe, his courage to face them disappeared. All he could do was to run with his family.

At that time, he felt lucky that he had tamed a demon monster as his mount, which was why he was faster than others.

But the truth proved that those from Saint Light Hall were faster.

In the end, he lost his wife and daughter.

At a specific time, he had to make a choice. This choice was fixed for Posthumous people.

They would choose the guy.

So when he arrived in the Imperial City, he felt like he was about to die. It wasn’t physical but mental.

He felt that the Imperial City could only slightly resist. After seeing the Saint Light Hall’s huge army, he didn’t think this city could survive. He was left with one person in his family and his life might be on a countdown.

But he saw hope after bumping into Cloud Peak.

He went to Earth, a brand new world, and learn

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