Chapter 982- Cloud Peak Cavalry
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 982- Cloud Peak Cavalry

“The two commanders are right. Let’s call back the troops today.”

An elegant figure appeared behind the three heads. They bowed and greeted the Saintess.

The second in command in Saint Light Hall, the Saintess everyone respected and loved, wore a white robe and held a crescent-shaped halberd.

She touched the cold metallic body and smiled gently, “Our warriors are tired. There is no rush. Commander Rong, this is a war that we will win. We mustn’t change because our enemies are being stubborn. We should be happy that the battle won’t be boring.”

Rongzhi smiled, “Right, the saintess is right. I was too anxious. Since that is the case, let’s call back the troops. Once we built the camp, it would be time to teach these barbarians a lesson.”

The orders were given, and the army made a move. Some troops at the back moved out of the mountain range. The small plains couldn’t fit so many. Those troops that would fight at the start would head back to rest.

Posthumous people’s Imperial City gates opened at that moment, and a squad covered in armor appeared!

At the same time, a flying squad made up of various beasts flew into the air towards the Saint Light Hall camp.

“They actually dare to exit the city?”

Like the Posthumous people, who experienced trauma when fighting the Saint Light Hall, the Saint Light Hall felt superior to the Posthumous people. To them, they were barbarians who had never seen a higher lifeform. Many Saint Light Hall people weren’t willing to admit that they were the same lifeform.

To them, Posthumous people should just hide in their city and rely on the walls to stop them. They wouldn’t dare to provoke them, much less sneak attack.

Some higher-ups who learned about this were shocked. The previous sneak attacks were from that weird faction. Even so, that faction didn’t dare to face them head-on.

Now, the gates opened, and their cavaliers surged out. In the sky were ten thousand air troops.

Who gave them the courage to attack?

A feeling of humiliation surged into all of their hearts.

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