Chapter 981- First clash
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 981- First clash

Ye Zhongming looked at the barrier from afar and felt more confident. When the light landed on the barrier, he fully relaxed.

The more you understood about energy, the more you knew that no matter what attacks, it followed a rule. The stronger it was, the more restrictions it would have.

Either it consumed mental energy or stamina. Or the cooldown time was long. Anyways, the strong skills couldn’t be used randomly, and there would be some restrictions.

If the Saint Light Hall’s attacks were as strong as the protector said, there were definitely restrictions. The truth proved his point.

Although, the four shots were quite shocking.

“You, this, I, it…”

The protector was probably only this emotional when he became the disciple of the last protector. He had witnessed the barrier from the pearl, and Ye Zhongming was the one who activated it.

Ye Zhongming felt slightly awkward. No matter what, the pearl belonged to the Posthumous people. Now that he took it… Although he only had 7% control, he did strengthen it without their permission. In the future, it would totally belong to him. Now that the protector asked him, he felt embarrassed.

Of course, he was only embarrassed. He wouldn’t return it or return it to its original state.

At most, he would compensate them with some weapons.

“I activated it.”

Ye Zhongming thought about it and chose a phrase that everyone could accept.

He was afraid the protector would ask more, so he told him he wanted to take a look at the situation and left.

After heading onto the walls, Ye Zhongming saw the soldiers moving the Rare Meditation Tribe corpses. Those corpses looked so bad that he was shocked. If he didn’t activate the barrier at the right time, maybe Cloud Peak would end up like that.

He got onto the walls, and the few kings and Xia Lei gathered over. They looked at him differently.


Ye Zhongming was the only person they could think about to do it. So Ling Kun pointed at the barrier and asked.

Ye Zhongming nodded, “I activated the pearl. I am unsure how, but

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